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Nothing is what it seems to be

Short history


It was back in 2011 when author and good friend Lulu Wang said to me: “Je must write a book, je can help a lot of people.’ This got me thinking. I have always loved to read, and writing a book also appealed to me, but I had – and still have – enormous admiration for authors. I didn’t see myself writing a few hundred pages. Still charmed by the idea, I started writing.

Unfortunately, after a very enthusiastic start, this writing project quickly came to a standstill for a long time – think in years – for various reasons. In addition, I was given opportunities to supplement my Wajong benefit in a good, legal way by accepting work from the ABvC, a professional association for counselors that I have been a member of for many years.In addition, I was given opportunities to supplement my Wajong benefit in a good, legal way by accepting work from the ABvC, a professional association for counselors that I have been a member of for many years. I had no choice but to prioritize it because getting a benefit is definitely not a lot of money.

Now, years later, the urge to start writing has been strongly rekindled, partly because a friend of mine has published a book in the thriller genre. I also learned a lot from that, especially when it comes to what is involved in publishing a book. For example, I quickly discovered that publishing a book costs a lot of money. Add to this the limited target group and the conclusion cannot be otherwise than that the chance of significant financial losses is very high. That is why I recently decided to turn this book into a blog. That way I hope to reach a large group of people without going bankrupt. Another advantage is that I can continue to expand and adjust it endlessly. I hope that the blog grows with me and what I experience.